Dainana Joshikai Houkou v07c52 – Trash Jewel/The Difference and volume 7 batch
Takagi finds another dubious device, and volume 7 comes to an end. Apologies for the long time between chapters. The raw cleaner had a long-term computer graphics issue and was unable to work on cleaning.
Unfortunately, it might be a while before we continue this series as well, because we’re missing raws for Dainana Joshikai Houkou volumes 8, 9, and 10! If you can get a hold of digital raws of these volumes or scan a physical copy, please join our Discord and message me (osakaki)!
Dainana’s most faithful reader is still alive! I’ve tried, however if you who know Japanese far better than I, couldn’t find those scans, I have little hope, but at least I know the Chinese translation of Dainana is complete, so there must be scans somewhere. I am even considering to purchase the last three volumes and scan them by myself but I can’t promise anything, I have too many issues to overcome.
For now thank you for your hard work.
Thanks to your translation, I was presented to Tsubana’s work and, while waiting for Dainana, I was able to find and read some of her other works. I like her unique approach to sci-fi, and while humor and nonsense are the main drive of Dainana, Mikake no Nijuusei and Wakusei Closet present a deeper reflection about the nature of the fabric of reality. I came to regard her as a serious sci-fi author, despite her carefree approach to the subject.
Incredibly grateful for the continued translations for Dainanan. Became a fan of Tsubana for Wakusei closet. I find that her other works deal with sci fi, horror and how it lurks below our every day life.
Im curious about the raws dilema, I find that searching for 第七女子会彷徨 in google sends more than a couple of results with the title and the issues to the 77 number.
Thank you so much for translating The 7th volume of the 7th chapter arc of the girl’s group number 7.