New Discord Server, Waratte! Sotomura-san, and more

Hey everyone! Haven’t had one of these in a while. Have some news!

  • First of all, we’ve opened up a new Discord Server for the site. I would love to see our readers join and hang out. I may be doing things there like early releases, possible sneak peeks, small news updates that don’t fit here, etc.
    Here’s the invite link to the Discord:
    If you don’t have Discord, you can go to and make an account and either participate in your browser or download the app for desktop or mobile. I really hope to see you there, and not just because I’m desperately lonely!
  • Waratte! Sotomura-san volume seven raws are in my grasp thanks to the ever-awesome Saji! I’m working on them now and hoping to start releasing in early February, just in time to deliver everyone’s waifu for Valentine’s Day.
  • Speaking of releases, the manga reader site Batoto is closing. This is sad because I uploaded all the releases there and really enjoying reading the comments from readers. That’s part of the reason why I wanted to open the Discord. Boy, I love feedback! Another reason I enjoyed putting the releases on Batoto was because they didn’t compress them or anything. So now I’m not sure what to do for non-download options. Imgur and similar sites don’t seem like that great an option, and I’m not a fan of most of the other reader sites out there, but if you have any ideas, let me know!

And that’s about that! DISCORDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

15 thoughts on “New Discord Server, Waratte! Sotomura-san, and more”

  1. Man, that notice about Batoto being closed hit me like a punch in the stomach! First Madokami Manga goes offline due to server problems and now this! I’m like pulling off my head’s hair!
    I always pick up your releases here in the site but for almost everything else I rely on those two sites! 2018 will be even worse than 2017? Hell!
    Unheard of Discord before, I will check it out.

    1. I really enjoyed Batoto beacuse it got our releases to a lot of people. It was a nice big community of manga enthusiasts, now being split up. Hopefully someone takes the initiative to make a new site to save us from all the Mangafoxes and clones.

      2018 definitely not starting the right way. And I saw you show up there. 😀

  2. Cool, thanks for the heads-up 🙂

    The Imgur album format is probably what I’ll go with for an on the spot option to offer online reading on releases (you know, for before all the other aggregate reader sites get hold of it), but I’ve also seen some others talking about google drive being another way to go. I haven’t checked it out myself yet though 😀

    1. If I can find something that doesn’t resample or resize images and makes it very easy to view in sequence, that would be best. Ugh, I just want Batoto back. 🙁

  3. Hell YEAH!!! (for Waratte! Sotomura-san)

    And I’m also wondering what to do for manga reading sites, since I used to read a lot on Batoto.

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